

初入職場,發現了有很多事情總是事與願違,常常遇到很多不如意的事情,但迫於社會上存在的種種不公平,總是只能往肚子裡塞;常常想著,要怎麼能讓自己開心一點呢? 這是我每次下班所苦惱的事情,於是就搭著公車想著想著,偶爾放空著拿著手機滑著滑著,就看到訊息通知記憶體已滿,因此我打開著相簿開始刪一些舊照片與沒有用到的截圖,突然發現有好多有趣的事情在這些相簿裡頭!要是能夠分享該有多好呢? 於是我今天的新目標,是希望我往後的每一天,都能發掘一些有趣的事情,放在這裡分享給陌生人,不管你喜不喜歡,我其實都無所謂,你可以就這樣略過,但我可以開心一整個下班的時間。


New goal of September 9th night, get rid of bad life by sharing the daily


I just got the work few months ago, it is my first full time job. At the work, I found many unfair things happened and faced a lot of unhappy business, all the unfortunate feeling can only swallow by myself and keep saying all will be good!When I on my way to go home, I keep thinking what I gonna do to wipe out the bad mood from the work? Suddenly, my phone warmed me to save some storage for new files and apps for fear of being unsaved on phone so I start to delete the figures and screenshots. Interesting things happened, I popped out some ideas from those pictures which is I can share those pictues on the website like diary. Recording dairy thing can force me to think and observe everything in my life instead of watching YouTube all night until going to bed. I decide I want to post everything I feel really want to share to the stranger, whatever you like or not, I just do what I want to share and which I can feel more power after the work!

I am a 
Food technologist, one of my work is making sure the meal under the high temperature to avoid contamination by pathogenic bacteria. 

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